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Writer's pictureAvalon

About Day Keeping.

Updated: Sep 26, 2024

  • This Long Count Calendar has been associated with The Mayan Civilization, they have been the custodians for many centuries, protecting the sacred flame and knowledge passed through Shamans, Elders, Ancestors living and creating with it, but they did not create the Long Count Calendar, known as The Sacred Count of days, so it is not Mayan persay. I see it is for all and can assist those truth seeking, self-transforming and wholeheartly awakens with Spiritual living, discovery and soul destiny unfolding.

  • Rather The Count of Days is said to have come from beings hailing from The Pleiades Star System and given as gift to Earth, humanity and all therein, but I don't know the truth of origin, I am quoting what I have been told. I can say the intelligence is Cosmic, Holistic and carries a form of Astrology that is intuitive, synchronistic and no clock is needed.

  • The Day Keeping here correlates and aligns with 'The Long Count' an Astrological Calendar where a cycle last 5,125 years approximately, factoring organic timing.

  • The Calendar records recurring cycles of time based on the movements of the Sun, Moon, and planets. Where it is more than just Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,.....

  • Day Keeping living with the Calendar where the day is alive and intelligent, here time is cyclic and not the clock tick tock, where ultimately and scarily true, a souless machine is currently controlling and directing humanity. In a sense Man is racing against time, up against time, time tic tic ticking that breeds competing, and where time is money. The clock a man-made device that keeps the world in place and we are born into it and become addicted to 'what time is it.' When the time is Now and Now is where the action and energy is!

  • Those awakening, self-transforming realising the truth/lie of things will be realizing a new way of being that moves with synchronicity, intuition, organic natural timing, Day Keeping is a perfect way to self-discover and deepen the transforming energies and spiritual awakening.

  • This is a personal thing for me and I don't claim to be anything, or know I am fulfilling an inner calling to observe and learn about the day using the Calendar as a measure.

  • The Sacred Calendar presents synchronistic cosmic intelligence that aligns and awakens self to one's Soul Destiny that which has nothing to do with 'The Grid's prescription of reality.

  • The Sacred Calendar carries a blueprint for the evolution of consciousness and I suggest potential for 'any' Civilization to discover World Peace through synchronicity.  

  • I have been Counting the Days for most part for 24 years – when I first saw it in Tzolk'in form it blew me away and it awakened me to a past life and the Day Keeping and Self Discovery has been a root to the cleanest purest and highest level of Spiritual Information I have experience has been guiding me out of 'unworthy' and healing my soul-being in the Day Keeping.

  • I Day Keep for my own self-transforming and a way of orientating my life to the Light and Truth, a return home to self and ultimately responsibility, that is the way of natural timing. 

Thank you.


born Kin: 214/260

6 Jaguar/Ix

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Sep 01, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Keep up the great work Avalon and spreading the knowledge of day keeping and its importance. It is good to learn and experience these things. We are all here to learn after all. I have enjoyed reading the Day Keeping information. Ty for taking the time to do it on a daily basis.

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