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This is a little about my Spiritual History.


Avalon Jaguarspirit, Priestess O the Light is a title and my given spiritual name that I was not expecting to receive when I took part in  Initiation - Dedication -  A New Life - Birthing Ceremony in 2000 - The Jaguarspirit Came with the Second dedication.

My Birth name is Katherine Evans and in my life I have manifested what the medical profession calls Relapsing and Remitting Multiple Sclerosis.  There is urgency to make right and also bring forth my spiritual life, that hero inside that is being effective, doing something and facing the challenges - having a go and observing the happening. I do not know but what I do see is that I care to align with Love and Light Energy, regardless.  I see in order to transform we need to use our birthname as that is the root and beginning of things. 


Presiding this Initation Ceremony was High Priestess Lavina, (RIP) assisted  by her sons, of Dutch Heritage and along with 40 people from around the world, including my long term companion.


A beautiful energetic 'Circle of Light' was created, a large fire and a blood red moon filled the sky, I performed ceremony and dedication those present witnessed the birth of my new life unfolding as 'Avalon Priestess O the Light.' 


It is an honour and priviledge to have had this experience, that is still unfolding.

1st 'Dedication' to the Light happened in Isle of Avalon, The Long Drove, Somerset Levels, Glastonbury UK.   The ceremony realising a deep 'soul calling' for authenticity, to become a 'Priestess O the Light and be witnessed. 

Now 24 years later I am here honouring the nudging and calling within what may be perceived as Soul Purpose unfolding in producing creative outlets, such as this site

Blessed Be, Harmony.

Thank you for your presence.

Avalon Jaguarspirit Uac Ix, Priestess O The Light.


Avalon Jaguarspirit Uac Ix, PriestessOTheLight

Ceremony Initiation Dedication

black background, a jaguar running in the woods with golden hints of colouring.jpg
black background, a star that shines gol
full moon ceremony, dedication, tree, beautiful woman, grey hair, golden accents , fire .jpg
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